This is covering the need and use of the Internal Security Act.
It was actually covered on Astro 513 last night, Aug 6 at 8.30pm. There will be repeats, but I don't subscribe to Astro.
If you're like me, fortunately, they are now available online at these youtube links:
Part 1
Part 2
Hmmm One particular guy sticks out like a very sore thumb...
One thing was abundantly clear -Fauziah Ibrahim had done her homework and asked very pertinant questions.Khairy was his usual arrogant self and I thought Dr Jayasooria a little impotent.Zaid was excellent-clear and concise and countered Khairy,s points with obvious relish.The guy from the pro-isa movement(part 1)demolished Khairy,s stance from the very start-a definite no brainer
I think the idiot from the pro-ISA group pretty much defines why the ISA should be abolished, MWS. :)
Earlybird, I thought so too! This Fauziah Ibrahim seems to be a very bright and capable young lass - effortlessly controlling the flow of conversation without allowing the panelists to blabber on with their opinions.
And yes, Khairy's stance was already brought into question because of the bumbling explanation by Khairul Azam of the pro-ISA movement, the writer of this spectacular piece.
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