
Friday 9 August 2019

Zakir Naik And Rabble Rousing

It’s amazing what people are capable of when they think they have the support of the majority.

In the US (and many other parts of the western world), white supremacists have been gunning down non-white people because the websites they frequent and the channels they subscribe to, mirror their point of view.

So the bubble that they inhabit makes them assume that a huge number of people share their views. To be fair, it’s not just the nutcases, but also the liberals that fall into this trap.

But I digress.

Zakir Naik was thrilled to discover that he had quite a following in Malaysia. In India, he was wanted by the government for having rather extreme views, espousing terrorism and also for money laundering.

I dislike phrases like “extreme views”, because in different circles, extreme views can mean different things. Back in the 60s, an extreme view would be for a black person to see himself as being equal to a white one and to expect to be treated equally.

Religion in India is a delicate situation. The Hindu majority does not always treat its Muslim minority well. I did not understand that 10 years ago, but upon closer observation of Indian politics, I am beginning to see the cracks that can ruin a nation.

Zakir Naik brings those very structural defects with him as he spreads his notoriously sectarian views.

To make matters worse, he has an extremely tenuous grasp of Malaysian history, and seems to be under the impression that most Chinese who currently live in Malaysia came as immigrants, and are therefore “guests”.

No doubt this will create some tension, and the usual suspects would wade in to put in their two sen worth.

This is after he had claimed that Malaysian Indians (most of whom were born in Malaysia and have never even stepped foot in India) swear allegiance to the Indian Prime Minister instead of their own Malaysian one.

Clearly that one is a figment of his twisted imagination, but his words are aimed at the stupid people of this world, a great number of which, live in Malaysia.

It is interesting what use this moron is to the world of politics as I suspect he is being used for something, but at this point, I cannot see what it is.

Additional Reading:
1. Congrats Mahathir – Zakir Gets More Radical, Tells 7 Million Ethnic Chinese To Go Back To China
2. Mahathir’s Fishing Trip Is Over – Zakir Naik The Foolish Bait Is Waiting To Be Deported

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