
Wednesday 10 February 2010

Malaysia, Not Anwar, Is In The Dock

The Wall Street Journal ran an editorial beginning of this month.

Guess who responded today? Check this link to find out: Malaysia Upholds the Rule of Law

Like someone once said, if you shine a beam of light through this imbecile’s left ear, it travels unimpeded and exits through the right.


Donplaypuks® said...

Do you get the feeling the Malays in the heartland are really pissed off that once again their slef respect is being brought into utter disrepute on a global scale?

How will that translate into votes for the Opposition?

We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

Unknown said...

Yes, good to know you and shah 2.

Crankster said...

DPP - I don't know about those in the heartland. They are harder to predict because their only source of information is via govt propaganda, so I'd expected their view to slightly distorted.

However, there is a huge number of educated, urban Malays who have just about had enough of this nonsense.

It's not funny when you go abroad for work, and get confronted by colleagues who are curious about why Malaysia is so sexually obsessed and yet repressed.